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Character and Creature Design

Character and Creature Design

by JoshDrumm on 24 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello, my name is Joshua Drumm I am a second year at Flinders University/CDW Studios. I would like to work in pre-production for film or games. I have a 2nd year advanced diploma in game art and would love to work at a studio that can enhance and improve upon my skills

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During my 1st and 2nd year at CDW Studios, I had the pleasure to work under Ehsan Bigloo for Creature Design as one of my electives. He taught us a very streamlined process using  Zbrush,  rendering in Keyshot and then later painting it over in Photoshop. I really enjoyed this process as it was a very fast way to concept ideas for characters and creatures.

Thorn Queen

The Briefs Ehsan Bigloo gave us, were to concept ideas that were based off of different genres. For my Thorn Queen we were tasked to sculpt a mythical/fantsy character, and she's what I came up with.

Horror genre

For this genre, I really wanted to put my anatomy skills to the test, and deform it in a way that would still come across as believeable. 

He is a skinny walker, that won't stop walking untill he reaches his victims. With an over arched neck and the ability to dislocate and contort his jaw, he is able to swollow his victoms whole.


Environment Concept art

Swamp Creature

As one of my final Semester projects for my 1st year in Creature design, we were given the last 3 weeks to design, polypaint and render a creature of our choosing. I tried to imagine what a creature would look like if it had been living underwater for a long period of time and this is what I came up with.

I tried to apply more anatomy as I could see that it wouldn't be very functional


As one of our last briefs that we recieved for my 2nd Year, we were tasked to concept and design a Sci-Fi quadruped. I chose to design a lizard type creature that had merged with the landscape and had evolved due to it's harsh environment.

During my time at CDWs, I really improved on my skills as a 3D modeller that I had learnt at AIE. What I learned at CDWs was to really focus in on the details that weren't taught to me at AIE. 

Medical Chest

This project followed the film pipline for 3D. beveling the object to get smooth and good looking renders in Arnold. 

It took 12 weeks around my other projects in my 1st year to finish.

Anaconda Guitar

This was a very difficult object to try and texture. We again used the Film pipeline and achieved the rendering results using Arnold

Thank you.

Joshua Drumm.

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