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Likeness Sculpt of Travis Bickle

Likeness Sculpt of Travis Bickle

by athirahs on 24 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Travis Bickle likeness sculpt I did for one of my school assignment I did back in 2023.

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Likeness sculpt of Travis Bickle, played by Robert De Niro. I began by sculpting the head using head planes in ZBrush. Later, I wrapped a TexturingXYZ Basemesh around it using Faceform Wrap to achieve proper topology and UV mapping. Once that was in place, I detailed the pores and skin direction in Zbrush with GeoHD.

I used the texture from TexturingXYZ for the base of my skin texture. Once it is projected onto my model, I enhanced it more in Substance Painter to get the correct skin colour and details on the texture. As for the specularity I created an ID mask in using Zbrush and Adobe Photoshop to get a full control on the shininess of the face and top it with Texture XYZ utility map for the specular as well as the coat roughness.

Skin shader full graph

Eye Renders

Eyeball textured in Zbrush alongside with the iris. I sculpted the iris detail in Zbrush in GeoHD mode.
Here's the full graph of the eye shader.

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