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Magical Brussels

Magical Brussels

Nina Krutkyté
by nkrutkyte on 21 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

The visual development work I did for my internship which involved extracting the character of Brussels and imbuing in with magic.

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During my internship at eXiin, there were many moments where I had to go out of my comfort zone and learn to let loose. One of these moment was during environment exploration for an upcoming game. Inspired by the works of many great artists like Patrick O'Keefe, I tried to play into the expressive, loose but graphic style that I love so much while still putting my own flair on it. Above you can see my rendition of a Brussels street, with colors and character that stand out more than the original view was, while still maintaining its authenticity.

I was not bound to the streets of Brussels however, but had to also look into capturing the unique feeling of a magical land through quick iteration.

Combining Brussels with the magical realm I explored resulted in the images you see below. Trying to add a storybook feeling to an otherwise gray city was a challenge, but a welcome one, and has left me with results that I am quite satisfied with.

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