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Golden Temple

Golden Temple

Ziyi Yang
by ZiyiYang on 23 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

This is my first personal project after entering the game industry as a 3D Environment Artist in Tokyo.

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Hi everyone, I am Ziyi and I just started working for Nin-Ja Company this year in Tokyo Japan. 

After I finished my further studies at Solent University in the UK, I focused on getting into the game industry and creating this Temple piece during my free time. It is inspired by the ancient Chinese philosophy of 一叶知秋 (yi ye zhi qiu), which means "a single leaf indicates the coming of autumn" and embodies the idea of perceiving the whole from a small part. 

I believe that the core elements of colour and structure are all that is needed to convey a sense of emotion and meaning, as I focused on simplicity and details for each essence to create an immersive and moving environment.


Inspired by games like Ghost of Tsushima, I was captivated by their stunning, immersive worlds. These games motivated me to make a grand temple environment that feels peaceful and deep, using a careful selection of lights, Asian temple structures, and texture details to create an emotional atmosphere.


I aimed to create an epic and grandiose atmosphere through careful layout and compositional framing. Central to the piece is the temple itself, positioned in the middle, drawing the viewer's eye immediately to its architectural details. The staircase leading to the temple serves as a natural pathway, inviting the viewer to ascend and explore the sacred space. The large, gnarled trees framing the temple further enhance the composition, adding layers of texture and depth.


The texture work serves as a fundamental element in creating the temple artwork. They are designed to capture the natural, organic feel of the ground, featuring scattered yellow leaves and patches of grass interspersed on a soil base. 

The three landscape materials are designed to be used together creating a seamless height blend. The yellow leaves add a vibrant, contrasting colour to the mud, echoing the autumnal theme present in the larger composition. Nothing in the textures is uniformly distributed, which enhances the natural randomness and realism of the scene. The patches of grass and water bring in additional texture and variety, contributing to the overall depth and richness of the ground surface.

All the textures are made in Substance Designer except for the tree. I made the single leaves first then rendered them together with tree branches as a texture set in Speedtree. This reduces the workload later on and keeps the assets optimized.

By ensuring that the texture is both detailed and harmonious with the surrounding elements, I aimed to create a cohesive and visually engaging piece that draws viewers into the serene yet dramatic setting of the temple.


In my Golden Temple artwork, the lighting plays a crucial role in creating a narrative and guiding the viewer's eyes towards the centre of the temple. 

The light source casts deep shadows that add depth and dimension to the scene. This directional lighting highlights the temple's architectural features,  and carefully placed spotlights enhance the ascending staircase, creating a dynamic interplay between illuminated and shadowed areas. The bright and warm tones of the light emphasize the golden accents and decorations, suggesting a sacred and revered space.


It's been a journey to be where I am. I could not have made it without the support of many people. For this occasion, I'd like to thank my colleagues and industry friends for accompanying me through challenges, and openminded institutions like Creative Gear Design for sharing inspirations.

I am always open to a conversation and you can also find me here:

Thanks for reading.

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