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3D Animation Work - Junior Year 2024

3D Animation Work - Junior Year 2024

Sofia Tonin
by sofiatonin on 21 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Welcome! These are the projects I've completed over the past year as a Junior at Ringling College of Art and Design. I really loved exploring two completely different styles for my projects this year; cartoony dramatics and downright realistic horror! I'm responsible for all aspects unless otherwise stated. Enjoy! :)

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Eight-Legged Intruder

We've all been there; you reeeeally have to use the bathroom but an unwanted spindly guest stands in your way. This short was unfortunately based on very real events.

Before I was ready to animate, I needed to make sure I could get a wide range of emotion and acting capabilities out of the rig. This little emote test was really fun to animate and a great way to practice getting the right poses before the final animation.

... and of course we can't forget to shoot some reference! As this character is meant to be a caricature of myself, hopefully you can see some resemblance. ;)

Günther's Lab Escape

In the depths of a secret government lab, the nation's top scientist, Günther Gügenheimer, finds himself running for his life after one of his... experiments breaks free...

After designing, modeling and rigging it's almost time for the animation... but not before shooting some epic reference! It's a great staring point for the more complex movements and acting choices and let's be honest; getting your friends to chase you around the apartment is always fun. 

Silhouette - Spooky Attic

Another project I worked on this past year was really meant to practice good posing and acting, and what better way to do that than animating a black and white silhouette?

Only responsible for animation, rig was provided by Ringling College of Art and Design

To achieve the silhouetted look I simply "turned off the lights"! No pun intended...

The final short is actually just a Maya playblast with the "use all lights" mode enabled. Since there were no lights in the scene, the viewport renders the characters in solid black.

If you've made it this far, thank you so much for checking out my work! Feel free to reach out on any of the following! :)

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