The Maiden Stone

The Maiden Stone

by sheryin on 9 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

A series of projects I did throughout my study in college

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The Maiden stone

According to Scottish legend, the maiden stone based in Aberdeenshire, was a woman who was turned into stone after losing a bet with the devil. She betted that she could bake bread before he could build a road to the top of the nearby hill of Bennachie. Alas the devil managed to finish the road before she finished the bread, the woman was sadly turned into stone, the Maiden Stone.

Neely, the daughter of the maiden stone, unfortunately found herself in the same predicament with the devil. In exchange for her mother’s life, Neely must bake bread.

The Scholar’s Study

A quiet and quaint area for the students of Dasarth High to spend their sleepless nights cramming for their upcoming tests.


A final resting ground for an ancient species that once roamed the earth

Personal Project

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