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3D Animation

3D Animation

Amanda Teo
by amandateomin on 22 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

A compilation of personal work and school work done at Teesside University.

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3D Animation Demo Reel

Tom and Jerry

After seeing the Tom rig on Agora, I knew I had to animate a clip from the original Tom and Jerry cartoon. I also found a Jerry rig made by the same person, so I could animate both Tom and Jerry interacting with each other.

I picked a scene from the original 2D cartoon and turned it into 3D. I exaggerated a lot of the movements and added tons of squash and stretch. 

It was an extremely fun animation to work on.


I wanted to see how much I had grown as an animator, so I took a reference video I filmed back when I was still studying in Nanyang Polytechnic and tried reanimating it.

I broke the joints of the throwing hand and exaggerated the movements. I also add a slight squash and stretch to the rig to give it a more stylized feel.

I can definitely see the improvements made and I hope I can improve even further as an animator.


I always wanted to create a sword animation, so I decided to try one out. It was definitely a learning experience, and I had a lot of fun with it. I added smears on the sword to show the arcs of the swings clearer and I added slight movement to her hair so that things would feel more organic.

I also pushed some of the poses more towards their extremes and even broke some of the joints of the sword arm to give a more exaggerated look to the animation.


I did an acting segment to show my versatility. Acting is definitely hard as there are a lot of subtle movements and animation required to make things looks smooth and good. I still have a lot to learn when it comes to acting in animation.


I wanted to do something that was solely body mechanics with no stylized elements, so I animated a parkour sequence. I strung together a series of clips from a professional parkour video and came up with a choreography that had a lot of jumps and flips.

It was a challenge to animate such a complicated sequence, but I learnt a lot about body mechanics and had fun animating it.

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