Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
The Queen's Gambit

The Queen's Gambit

Jozef Kovács
by Jozef on 13 Mar 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Inspired by Netflix's "The Queen's Gambit," I crafted Anya Taylor for my Think Tank Training Centre mentorship project. Utilizing ZBrush, Mari, Maya, and V-ray, I brought her to life within our 18-week journey!

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I began by gathering reference images to guide my modeling process. I then focused on poly modeling the chess pieces, table, chessboard, bottles, and watch. After completing the modeling phase, I proceeded to camera match the focal length and placement of key components of the scene, such as the table and the chess pieces, in Maya.

The next step was to start sculpting my character in ZBrush. Meanwhile, I began working on the UVs for the hard surface parts and brought everything into Mari to initiate the texturing process. From this point onwards, I worked simultaneously on my character modeling and hard surface texturing, ensuring a cohesive workflow between the two aspects of the project.

I filled the medicine bottle using MASH dynamics in Maya.

My skin texturing was created in Mari using XYZ textures. For retopology and unwrapping, I utilized WRAP.

Within the 18-week timeframe, it involved continuous back-and-forth work, refining details, and striving to achieve new goals each week.

The hair was created using XGen in Maya.



specRoughness Flat

specRoughness shaded

Bump Flat

Bump Shaded

Displacement Flat

Displacement Shaded


UV shaded

UV Flat

Bringing She to life was an incredible journey. Thank you for visiting and taking the time to explore my work!

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