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Patrick Knip Portfolio

Patrick Knip Portfolio

Patrick Knip
by patrickknip on 28 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

Hi there! Here are some of my most recent projects that I have worked on. I'm very inspired by projects that tell a story and elicit an emotional response from viewers, and hope to achieve the same with my own work.

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Hi there!

I'm an aspiring motion designer with a love for projects that tell compelling stories. When I first started university, I thought I wanted to study Illustration. I quickly realized that I wanted more from the creative process. When I finally discovered Motion Design, I knew immediately that this was the exact blend of illustration, design, and animation I was looking for. Below, you can find some of my most recent projects that embody these traits. Thanks for stopping by!

1. I Don't Know

The short film “I Don’t Know” stems from the constant fear of making the wrong decisions for ourselves; whether it be choosing to go to university, choosing to open yourself up to someone, or really any decision you make but feel uncertain about. This also ties in with the idea of imposter syndrome, and the feeling that you aren’t good enough to be doing what you’re doing.

To me, we overthink these decisions because we either suspect another decision might be better for us in the long run, or we think someone else doesn’t believe we are good enough either. However, there is absolutely no way to know if something will work out unless we try first.

I Don’t Know is about validating these fears, but ultimately reassuring you that it’s alright to make decisions without knowing where they will lead you, all you have to do is keep moving forward.

Style Exploration


2. Moop Heist

Moop Heist began as a little doodle in my Architectural History notebook, and grew into an illustrative design board about a floppy dude on a quest to rob some moola. This was such a fun project because it challenged me in character design, as well as keeping a style cohesive throughout a long project. 


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