View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024

Rookie Awards 2024

Discover the 14th Annual Rookie Awards – your gateway to the creative industries! Showcase your talent, win amazing prizes, and get noticed by the world's top studios. Whether you're a student, hobbyist, or emerging artist, this global platform is your chance to shine. Join now!

Rookie Awards 2024
Round of applause for our sponsors



Are you a budding talent in games, animation, visual effects, immersive media, motion graphics, 3D visualization, or related creative industries? The Rookie Awards is the perfect platform to showcase your skills on a global stage.

Whether you’re a student, self-taught artist, or hobbyist, this competition is your opportunity to earn an industry ranking certificate and potentially kickstart your dream career.

Contest Overview

The Rookie Awards is all about connecting your talent with the right industry. Your journey starts by selecting a category that aligns with the industry you aspire to join. Think of it as your first step towards a career in games, animation, visual effects, or any of the creative fields we celebrate.

  1. Choose Your Category: Each category represents a different industry. Pick the one that best matches your career goals.

  2. Create Your Entry Page: Design a compelling entry page that showcases multiple examples of your best work. Include a variety of projects that highlight your skills and versatility in your chosen field.

  3. Detail Your Process: For each project, explain your creative process, the challenges you encountered, and how you applied your skills to overcome them.

Your entry is not just a submission; it’s your personal showcase to industry professionals. Make it eye-catching, professional, and reflective of your unique talents.

Why Enter the Rookie Awards?

  • Career Boost: Win exclusive opportunities and prizes to jumpstart your career in the creative industries.
  • Global Platform: Showcase your work to a worldwide audience and get noticed by industry professionals.
  • Industry Ranking: Receive evaluations and rankings from our expert panel of 150+ judges, offering insights into your industry readiness.
  • For Emerging Talent: Ideal for artists developing their skills and seeking industry exposure. Everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow, and be inspired.
  • Community and Fun: Be part of a community that celebrates creative talent globally. Enjoy random giveaways and make the most of this exciting experience.

Groups & Categories

Explore our 4 main contest groups, each offering unique opportunities:

Who Can Enter?

Entrants must be 18 years or older and have less than one year of professional experience in any of the creative industries featured in the contest categories, as of June 1, 2024. For further information please read the rules.

Important Dates

  • Entries Open: 7 March 2024
  • Entries Close: 1 June 2024
  • Finalists Announced: 9 July 2024
  • Winners Announced: 31 July 2024

Dates mentioned are at 11:59 pm, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Tips for a Strong Entry

Ready to Get Started?

Select a category that resonates with you, follow the guidelines on the category page, and submit an entry loaded with your best work. You can enter multiple categories if you have diverse skills.

Contest Group

Rookie of the Year

This is the primary category that the vast majority of entries submit work. They are open to individual artists only. Select a category from below that most closely relates to your career goals and training.

2D Animation

2D Animation

Whether you're a traditional or digital animator, this category is your chance to showcase captivating stories and characters through your 2D animated creations. Bring your unique style to life and let your animations capture the imagination of audiences worldwide.

3D Animation

3D Animation

This category is for artists creating content in the style of 3D animated films, encompassing all disciplines involved in the production of 100% computer-generated features and shorts. It's open to modellers, texture artists, lighting TDs, compositors, animators, and more. The focus is on work suitable for films with fully computer-generated environments and characters, like those seen in Pixar movies.

Architectural Visualisation

Architectural Visualisation

This category is a showcase for artists who bring buildings and spaces to life through stunning visuals. From houses to public spaces, demonstrate your ability to visualize architecture and interiors with exceptional detail and creativity.

Concept Art

Concept Art

Showcase your talent in creating inspiring environments, characters, and objects that set the stage for games, films, and animation. If you have a knack for bringing ideas to life through art, this is your chance to shine.

Digital Fashion

Digital Fashion

Showcase your innovative designs and creativity in the world of virtual fashion. This is your chance to present unique digital garments and accessories that push the boundaries of style and technology in the fashion industry.

Game Development

Game Development

Showcase your talent in creating content for computer-generated games. Whether it's through animation, lighting, coding, or modeling, demonstrate how you elevate the gaming experience with your technical and creative skills.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Enter the Graphic Design category at the Rookie Awards to display your visual communication skills. This category is for artists who excel in creating impactful designs, from branding and advertising to digital media. Showcase your ability to convey messages through innovative and compelling graphics.

Immersive Media

Immersive Media

This category is a playground for creators in VR, AR, and MR, offering a space to present immersive experiences that blend technology and creativity. Bring your virtual worlds and interactive experiences to life for a global audience.

Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics

This category is for artists who create compelling visual narratives using animation, graphic design, and cinematic techniques. Showcase your ability to tell stories and convey messages through engaging motion graphics.

Product & Industrial Design

Product & Industrial Design

This category celebrates innovative designs in consumer products, industrial solutions, and vehicle styling. Showcase your talent in creating designs that are functional, aesthetic, and push the boundaries of creativity.

Visual Effects

Visual Effects

This category is for artists working with assets and elements that are integrated with live-action footage to create photo realistic environments, characters, sets, props, animation and effects that would be dangerous, expensive, impractical, or simply impossible to capture on film.

Web & App Design

Web & App Design

Showcase your prowess in designing intuitive and visually appealing web pages and applications. This is your stage for UI/UX design, interactive and responsive web design, and app development that prioritizes user engagement and functionality.

Contest Group

Film of the Year

Open to individuals and teams that have created short films using 2D Animation, 3D Animation and Visual Effects.

2D Animation

2D Animation

Looking for the very best in 2D animated short films. The films can be created by both teams and individuals. Trailers and unfinished projects allowed.

3D Animation

3D Animation

Looking for the very best in 3D animated short films. The films can be created by both teams and individuals. Trailers and unfinished projects will be considered.

Visual Effects

Visual Effects

Films created by both teams and individuals that include live action visual effects used to help tell a story, add that wow factor, or include live action footage.

Contest Group

Game of the Year

Open to individuals and teams that have created games for console, mobile and immersive media.

Console & PC

Console & PC

Looking for the very best games for PC & Console. The games can be created by both teams and individuals. Trailers and unfinished projects allowed, but finished games preferred.

Immersive Media

Immersive Media

Team and individual games that have been designed to use the latest immersive media headsets and systems. Completed projects preferred, but game play examples and trailers accepted.



This category is for individuals and teams that have created a game for mobile devices. The judges are looking for finished games here, but feel free to submit trailers if necessary.

Contest Group

Career Opportunities

There is simply no better way to launch your career.

Ghost VFX | London

Ghost VFX | London

Ghost VFX are looking for one lucky winner for an (onsite or virtually) internship for their London office.

Ghost VFX | Copenhagen

Ghost VFX | Copenhagen

Ghost VFX are looking for one lucky winner for an onsite internship for their Copenhagen office.

PlaySide Studios

PlaySide Studios

PlaySide Studios is looking for one lucky winner to claim a paid onsite internship.

Axis Studios

Axis Studios

Axis Studios are looking for one lucky winner for a Junior Level Position (onsite or virtually).

The Boundary

The Boundary

The Boundary are looking for one lucky winner for an (onsite or virtually) internship for their New York office.



Electric Theatre Collective are looking for one lucky winner for an (onsite or virtually) internship for their London office.



beloFX are offering two lucky winners virtual mentorship.



INDG are offfering a 4-week mentorship to an aspiring 3D artist with a focus on digital fashion.

2G Studio

2G Studio

2G Studio is looking for three lucky winners to (virtually) mentor from the Arch viz category.