Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Space Commander Ernest

Space Commander Ernest

Gabriella DeJesus
by gdejesus01 on 1 Aug 2021

Meet Ernest, The Space Commander to my team's upcoming thesis film, coming soon in the year 2022! Ernest is a wise, serious woman who's job is to lead the space rangers of planet Kepler. They protect the beings of the galaxy, bringing light into the darkness.

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Space Commander Ernest

Meet Ernest, The Space Commander to my team's upcoming thesis film, comming soon in the year 2022! Ernest is a wise, serious woman who's job is to lead the space rangers of planet Kepler. They protect the beings of the galaxy, bringing light into the darkness.

Ernest was concepted, modeled, and textured by me. I used Maya and Zbrush as my modeling softwares, Substance Painter as my texturing software, and Arnold as my render engine. In her overall character design, I wanted to capture her seriousness, "strictly buisness" attitude, while adding touches of elegance in small details.

This is my first pass for this character. I learned to improve on working with Zbrush, Displacements, retopology, and learning the pipeline of creating a character for film. 

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