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3D Artist with a military background, I bring a unique blend of skills and experiences to my craft. Dedicated with a passion for crafting immersive and visually captivating environments and props. Completed Diploma in Game design and development in an immersive studio-centered education that laid a strong foundation in environmental modelling, advanced texturing and lighting, game animation, rigging, level design, compositing and editing.

When I first saw Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I was so mesmerized on the effects and 3d assets that were shown, It literally blew my mind! From that day, I started to learn 3d software, it was a long journey until I actually got in a school that would mentor me to learn the skills in the Industry.

I first wanted to make games back in the early 1990s after growing up with the original Nintendo and falling in love with video games. Where I live, at that time there was no industry anywhere near me. Small city in the middle of Manitoba, Canada. After spending 16 years in trades I realized what I really wanted to do for a career. So jumping feet first went to school again at age 38 and am now chasing my dream.

Art was always my favorite subject. In 2018 I got the opportunity to enroll in art school.

Since childhood, my passion for creativity was ignited, surrounded by a family of artists. The pandemic became a turning point; with unwavering support from my fiancée, I embarked on a career switch. Now, we're immersed in the joy of learning together at school, embracing the creative industry as a shared adventure.

I have been an artist all my life and had a path set out I was very excited about, but my health conditions had other plans. After surviving a pulmonary embolism, I enrolled in college and moved to Vancouver to start my career journey in the more accessible digital 3D industry.

I actually realized in high school I just didn't know much about the field of work and the only experience I got was from a program at the high school called Computer graphics. A few years later tho I found a school that would help pave the way for my creative side, and really show me what it's like to work in the industry.

I was enrolled in a Bachelor of Science for Physics and really missed working on my own art. I was trying to find a way to connect my degree that was in progress in a way so I could use my technical and artistic side together. At the point I realized I was in school for the wrong path. At the point I switched to a 3D Modeling and Animation with a focus on Character Art.

I struggled for many years to find a good job that pays a living wage without a college or university degree, and the biggest reason for that is because I didn't know what I wanted to get into, then one day in the Winter of 2016 I found an ad for a school that offered to teach you to learn how to create video games and animations for a living. And after thinking about it I realized this was the first thing that actually sparked my interest as a career.

I used to attend Simon Fraser University, where there was a club about blender and I got curios joined it and I was opened to the world of creative Media.

I like creating art. I started as most with pencils and then I created oil paintings and stained glass works. I had the opportunity to progress into the world of digital art I took a leap and moved to Vancouver to study.

Since I could first draw, I have always loved digital media growing up the impact that was left on me was profound I knew that my biggest dream would be to create worlds that would impact the next generation aswell.

For a while, since I realized I liked drawing and creating art, as much as I still have alot to learn. The first time I realized i wanted to work in the creative industries was when I was in theatre class and was just doodling roses and decal designs, and from there I realized I wanted to learn to be the best artist I could be.

When I was in high school we had lots of exchange students come and go, I took a lot of art classes to fill my blocks but slowly it changed because I wanted to be and do better. I had an amazing classmate from Germany whose art was on another level. I watched her draw and realized I could possibly do that too. It changed my art world to realize all I had to do was put in the time and be patient and I would succeed.

I always wants to do it since I was 16, but until now I'm still learning and practicing to gain the knowledge and skills.

My entire life I have been creating things. For me it was never a question, I never asked why I wanted to draw, I asked what I was going to draw. I've done many mediums but my favorite type is manga, so I love making comics, character designs, illustrations, etc. I studied manga in Tokyo and made my own comic continuously for three years.

I work in the cannabis industry and started my own company, I designed my own packaging and sales materials, but had to hire graphic designers to render my ideas. I enrolled in Graphic Design at the Visual college of art and design so I could create and have the skills to make my ideas come to life.

I watched cartoons and anime since I was a child, and around 2020 I decided to start learning how to draw, and how to bring life to ideas that inspired me so much over the years.

When i first played Super Mario

Honestly I kinda have mixed feelings I do really enjoy it but when I was talking to administration I was on the fence about this or architecture due to my construction background. But I also worked on stream overlays and did the occasional freelance work for DND so here I ended up.

In the year of 2021, during the pandemic and being in the lifestyle of work from home was when I realized I should pursue my creative passion. At a young age, I’ve always had the artistic ability to create. I was exposed to art because of my parents who were artists themselves and became successful chasing their passions. My mom, a painter and my dad, a scultpor. The two have inspired me to chase after my dreams and continue to work on my passions.

I have loved art my entire life. Growing up I always knew that I wanted to do something in the field of art as my career

Sometime during my University enrollment.

I am in administration. Signing in to let my students know whenever any contest is going on.