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I delved into the realm of art through graphic design. During my university studies, I stumbled upon the alluring field of 3D art, and I was drawn into it. Since then, I've been exploring new techniques and delving deeper into this fascinating field."

I've always been interested in learning many kind of artistic expression.

It was really when I started the video game art course that I discovered that this was my passion and if or if I knew I was going to end up working in the industry because it became my passion.

Since I was a little child I was so interested in the videogames industry, but it was a couple years ago (2017 more or less) when I decided that what I wanted to do is work for a company and collaborate in the creation of a videogame.

When I was a child, I always dreamed of being something related to video games and also learning how to develop them. I have always had an interest in everything related to art and drawing. But my passion truly began when I attended my first video game convention (Dreamchack in Valencia), where I decided to dedicate myself to being a video game artist.

Since I can remember this have been my passion, I always enjoyed everything related to art . While I was growing up, series, animes and movies were my best allies and I enjoyed rewathing them over and over. They helped me out in the worst times, comforted me, and gave me one of my biggest passions and now, I want to be able to do the same for other people.

In my teenager years I realized I wanted to be a game developer or animator, because I love to create worlds, characters, stories... And videogames/animation are a really good way to apply that. And luckily that's what I'm studying right now. At first I thought I would try to cover every area in game development, but as the time went by, I centered in game programming for year and a half. Later, I realized I wanted to be Game Designer and thats what I'm currently studying.

Since I was young I love to draw, create my stories, play video games, etc, I grew up surrounded by those things and they made me what I'm now. I decided that I wanted to work in this amazing world because I wanted to transmit what art transmits to me since I was young, so many emotions to describe. Every day I enjoyed doing art and that's what made me realized that I was destined to work in this industry.

Since I was a child I've always loved art, and as I've grown, I've turned that passion into a profession that I love.

While I was studying high school I found a great source of daily motivation in art, it gave me a personal reward that no other subject did. Even before finishing high school I already knew that I wanted to be part of the world of 3D art, videogames, cinema, was my main source of inspiration and knowledge. When I had the opportunity to study at ESAT years later, I did not hesitate. That was my dream for many years. And here I am.

I grew up dreaming about creating my own pixel art game but as times past there's so many new things to learn. As a Junior 3D artist i'm working on my portfolio and developing indie games with friends, as well as learning new skills on my own. I participated in a Game Jam as a 2D artist and helped with the ConceptArt and 3D development of a platformer game called Born to Rise, available on Steam.

Siempre me ha gustado el mundo del arte y los videojuegos y desde hace tres años y medio que conocí ESAT estoy formándome para poder hacer de mi hobby la forma de poder ganarme la vida.

After finishing high school, I realized I was more interested in Graphic Design than in sciences. This led me to shift my focus and pursue Graphic Design instead. It's been a rewarding journey, allowing me to channel my creativity and explore the visual aspects of communication and design. I'm grateful for making that choice, as it aligns better with my passions and continues to inspire my ambitions.

A few years ago he wanted to investigate animated films and everything that was needed to be able to create something similar to an animated film. And throughout the search for information about this world of animation I discovered what is called art for video games. I looked for different schools because it caught my attention and I decided to go into Esat.I fell in love with this sector and now at Esat I am seeking to be the best and advance as a professional.

Since I was a kid I've been interested in this sector. Around 2013 I was watching videogame trailers and, in that moment, I felt it had to be my future. Since then, all of the 3D art amazed me, but not only in videogames, the 3D art in movies has inspired me too, all of that work motivates me to keep going on.

I have always consider myself as a creative person, but honestly it was one year ago when I decided to get into this world and explore their limits.

Having studied veterinary medicine at first, I started learning 3D modeling programs by myself, initially drawn to 3D printing. After some time I realized that my hobby became my passion. Although I had always been interested in art and the world of video games since I was a kid, I did not consider dedicating myself to it until I discovered the in-depth work in video game development. This encouraged me to expand my knowledge through the "Video Game Art" career at ESAT.

I realised that I wanted to work in creative industries when I was high school and I was realized that art was something essencial.

When I did my work practice in a Formative Curse in a printing press. I liked the way of working and then, I decided to be a designer.

At the age of 20 I was finishing a course of Thanatopraxia, that's when I realized that what I wanted to do was something that fulfilled me. And that was videogames and all releated to their art.

I always liked creating things since I was a kid. When I was 18, I didn't know what to do with my life because I couldn't find a job that suits me, until I saw "Love Death & Robots" on Netflix and fell in love with 3D. Now, my only goal in life, is to make everything I have in mind come true.

All my life I have loved video games and anime. Dedicating my professional life to this sector would be the best

It was when I started to play on the Playstation 2 console. I had realised that I want to create content to the people who wants something diferent like new games mode, new kind of vehicle and etc...

I really love environments and I spend all of my time staring at the beatiful places created for games.