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Project Line

Project Line

Adrián Aguilar Atienza
by adagat on 29 Oct 2021

This is a platformer game we're currently working on. A platformer where you draw the platforms

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What is Project Line?

It is a prototype of a game we're currently working. Its a platformer game with a little twist... you can draw platforms.  It also blocks canonballs, rejects saws or encloses enemies.

It's scheduled to be released in soon, but the launch date is still unknown.


As I previously said, you can draw collidable lines that can be used as floor. 
Using the mouse (or your finger in mobile) you can draw a line and make the character walk over it as it was a normal floor. It's the main mechanic of the game, so I'm going to explain it a little bit:

-The line has a lifespan of 15 seconds, after that, it's inmediatly destroyed. The line supports 2 canonball shots flawless, a third one will supose it's destruction.

-It also rejects saws and makes them go backwards if collided.

-It also can enclose enemies if you draw a cage around them.

-You can't draw endless lines as you have a limited ink quantity, but there are some refills all over the level.

The game has various enemies/hazards:

-Saws: the go evenly from one direction to another, if they touch you, you're dead

-Spikes: they are just spikes placed on the floor, if you step on them, you're dead

-Shieldo: this enemy has a shield bigger than him. If he sees you,  he will go towards you to very fast. If he touches you, you're dead.

-Firedoors: they are bars of fire that turn on and off, if you touch them, you're dead

The game also features a collectible item, Peters. They are the face of our studio's mascot, Peter, who is the main character of our very first game. By the moment they do nothing special, but we are thinking rewards for the future release.

The game also records your best time and the Peters you've collected and shows them in the record page

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