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I first started with an interest in writing for games but I didn’t have the knack for it, I soon realised when I made my first small environment I had to take It further, I have committed the last four years of my life developing the necessary skills to enter a fun and diverse industry full of Interesting people, I hope to gain the respect of my peers and become a senior environment artist.

I've always been drawn to explore and unleash my creative side in various forms of art, yet I never thought to develop this as a specific skill or even consider it as a career path. I began my 3D journey by simply wanting to contribute to a fan mod for a game (I'm still a huge fan of). This curiousity of how things are created led me down a path of discovering the vast world of games art, with all its intricacies and its never ending cycle of learning and adapting, which I thoroughly enjoy!

Always had a passion in art and drawing as well as video games. Researched the games industry a lot in secondary school and decided it would align with my passions to make characters for video games.

Obviously I have been playing games most of my childhood, but I was always interested in art and portraying characters and emotions, combining these two interests straight out of GCSE's I attended Guildford College in Games' Design. This really sparked my interest in the creation of characters within video games.

I first realized that I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry when I realized that I could turn my love and passion for Video Games and stories into an impactful career that I can be proud of. I love the challenges that come with working in this industry and feel that the reward is so much greater when these challenges are overcome. The way I see it, nothing worth having in life is easy.

I realised when I saw games design as an option in my local college that it was the path in life that id most enjoy

I always enjoyed playing video games and aspired to be part of creating an immersive world.

when I was selecting my options to do in High school I wanted to be involved in not only the creative industries but video games in particular and I chose options that would allow me to follow through with this dream to be in the game industry. Art and computer sciences for my two bases of digital skills and artistic skills, combined with taking drama for storytelling and even the potential for motion capture.

Every day once I come back from school I would sit on my Tablet and watch some sort of video on YouTube, I would look through recommended videos and see what's trending. This is where I came across speed level design videos, and it interested me straight away because I've always been intrigued by Art and design. This lead me down a path of these types of videos and then I slowly started to get into development logs by AAA studios and Indie companies. I then enrolled on a games course at college.

When I was 16 I first played Fallout 4. I loved it and I loved the creative ideas everyone had. I knew I wanted to work in the games industry. I worked hard through year 11 and sixth form to refine my skills so I could come to Staffordshire University. My love for environment art has only grown since being here. I have developed skills and relationships that have benefited me greatly in terms of my future career.

I grew up watching movies with my Dad, which was the main way we bonded together, even to this day my Dad will ask me questions or make quotes from movies m to see if I know them. The movies usually include 80s action flicks and 80s and 90s blockbusters like Star Wars. And even from a young age I found intrigue and wonder from the visuals in Film. But my actual love and passion didn't culminate until I got older and got to witness the Halo 3 cinematic trailers those are what made me realize.

I ended up in the creative industry by a happy accident, but once dived into it I became very passionate with others work and my own. I like improving my skills and learning everything I can art wise as well as helping the people around me too.

When I was 11, my mum got me a book about game design called "Level Up". Before reading it, I had no idea how to make games, or that it was even a career I could consider. Since finishing that book I've always known I wanted to make games.

Over the past few years I've had the chance to study all kinds of creative mediums leading me to find a passion in games art.

Early in secondary school, I learned about CGI and animation as a career path and initially wanted to pursue an education and career in film, which slowly developed into a passion for character design and visual narrative as I worked on improving my digital painting skills. Now I'm in my last year of Concept Art for Games and Film at Staffordshire University, and I look forward to joining the games industry as a character concept artist.

After I graduated from college I fell deeper into researching about games and wanted to pursue something within the industry. Then in my second year of University I started character modelling and decided that that is what I want to do.

I have always studied music alongside more academic subjects. In college I realised I had a greater passion for creative subjects and so I decided to pursue it.

When I was 16 and in my final year of secondary school, I was talking with a friend about where we go afterwards and what we do. He mentioned about gaming and how cool it would be to create them, when it suddenly clicked that I wanted to aid in such a process. I then began my journey by going to Coventry College for Games Design and Interactive Media. Afterwards I went to Staffordshire University for 3D Games Art and graduated July 2023 with a 2:1 Honours.

I've always been interested in the effect stories have on people and how media such as games and film use a variety of techniques to tell those stories. I want to spend my life creating things that leave as much of an impression on others as my favourite works have had on me.

Learning that I really did not like stacking shelves out of High-school I wanted a more fulfilling career and got drawn back to Art which I had always kept up with as a kid but never knew it was a viable career.

The day I realized what my career would be, I was between 8 and 9 years old. It came after a conversation with my mother about how my aspirations at that time would never come true. My dream was to be Lizard Man. She, concerned, firmly responded, 'That doesn't exist.' My world crumbled, but in the stubbornness of my denial, I asked myself, 'What is the closest thing I have to those adventures I so longed to live?' My answer was: Video games. That's where I understood what my destiny was.

I have always played games ever since I was a child, I vividly remember playing Pokemon Red on the gameboy colour as my first. After working in the animal industry for 5 years I decided I would like a career change and this alligned with my passions completely. Staffs university has been an incredible journey and has equipped me with the skills and networks to begin entering my career of choice.