REBIRTH - A Destiny Fan Art

REBIRTH - A Destiny Fan Art

by bidiBuzz on 28 Mar 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello everyone! I'm super happy and thrilled to present you my latest personnal project! A Destiny Fan Art that I've been working on the past 6 months! The main objective of this project was to learn more about Houdini, Speedtree and in general about Environment Art for VFX and Animation!

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Hello everyone!

I'm super happy and thrilled to present you my latest personnal project! A Destiny Fan Art that I've been working on the past 6 months!

The main objective of this project was to learn more about Houdini, Speedtree and in general about Environment Art for VFX and Animation!

The initial shot is a cutscene done by Axis Studios few years ago! The objective was to get as close as possible while learning everything needed in order to achieve that!

I can't thank enough Ciro Cardoso who mentored and helped me through the whole process!

I'm also very thankful to anyone who gave me feedbacks which helped me a lot.

I hope you will enjoy this little shot!





Behind the Scene
(Put the video in 0.5 to have the normal speed :)

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