Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!


Pietro Trizzullo
by triz173 on 19 May 2021 for Rookie Awards 2021

Here's what I've been up to in the last two years. These are the highlights of my ever evolving growth inside this world. Since I've been working for a few months now this is the last chance I have to partecipate to the awards. I hope you like my journey till here!

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Hello everyone!

My name is Pietro and I'm a Junior Character Artist. This will be my last time participating to #therookiesawards because I happily have been working since last November as a freelance 3D artist.

My journey started during November 2019 when I first opened a 3D software. I now find myself in the unbelievable situation where that dream of becoming a game artist has come true. With this entry, I want to show you my story through different artworks I had the chance to work on throughout these intense years.

I would love to thank my school CG Spectrum, my mentors and friends made along the way from the bottom of my heart. Without you I wouldn't be where I am now. 

My journey has just begun, but hopefully you'll enjoy my works and progress shown below :)

A ROUGH START | Low-Poly Reinhardt

This is the first character I ever made back in 2019 before I started studying. Blizzard has always been my main source of inspiration, admiration and passion. Even though it was very rough, I remember being so happy with this back in the day.

FIRST CONTEST | Bedside Cupboard

Peaky Blinders contest here at The Rookies. This was so challenging back then, I had to figure out many things I had no experience with. This ended up in second place and honestly, I still hardly believe it!

QUICK STUDIES | Personal Experiments

First Time I tried ZBrush and Quixel Megascans

FIRST CHARACTER | Dhain Ironfall

My first game ready stylized character. Here's where the path towards my end goal became clearer.

FIRST CREATURE | Battlechasers - Nightwar Fanart

Here I tried to push my handpainting skills as much as I could. I'm not a good painter and this was a great challenge to face one of the things that I'm not comfortable with!


This concept was provided by CG Spectrum and forced me to deal with one of the things I dreaded the most: Hard Surface crisp D: Hopefully I was clean enough! 

GHOST FROM THE PAST | A Childhood Story

This is still a WIP project I started right after finishing school. I found some old scripts and drawings I made when I was 8 years old about a game I wanted to create back then. The name of the game was "Medieval Crocodile Adventure - The Big Diamond" (2 other chapters followed) and looking at it now, I thought it would be a good idea to take my childhood drawings and polish them to create 3D characters.

I had time just to block out the protagonist "Simple John" the perfect anti hero. I'm sure the fact that I mostly played Crash Bandicoot, Medievil and Spyro kinda helped me create these scripts :D 

Hope to finish this soon and that you like it as poor as it is now!

ZBRUSH BUST | Goblin Prophet 

Concept by Qichao Wang . I was interviewed by 80lvl on this specific model I made. You can find it here !

I'd love to 3D Print this one day :D

ANATOMY PRACTICE | Creature Torso 

SECOND CONTEST | Cute Robot I never had the chance to finish

This was done for an ArtStation contest I eventually had to give up due to my first professional gigs. 

ROOKIES WEEKLY DRILL | Fortnite Backbling

I had so much fun doing this over a weekend! I really wish they had a Buzz Lightyear skin in Fortnite.


Concept by Tooth Wu. Started this during my spare time and then it got buried under everything else. I still like where this is going and hopefully I'll be able to finish it soon! 

Thank you!

If you made it this far than hopefully you liked my journey!

Wish you all the best!  Let's keep moving forward people!

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