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Gizem Maci
Gizem Maci

Gizem Maci

  United Kingdom

I would love for myself to become respectable Artist in the industry and work alongside renewed architects.

Growing up I always had an interest in art, Sci-Fi movies and VFX. I was in awe at how tangible the CGI looked and couldn’t help but wonder about the technology needed to manifest such ideas in such a realistic manner. In my second year of University I was introduced to AutoCAD and 3ds Max, and because creating a virtual world from an infinite empty space inside a program seemed so astonishing to me, It gradually led me on my path as a visualizer.

Learning: University of Kent

Skills: 3dsMax, Forestpack,Vray Photoshop, After Effects

Expertise: Architectural Visualisation

  • Skipped Debut TBD
  • Skipped Player TBD
  • Skipped Contender N/A
  • Leveled up to Rookie May 31, 2021
  • Pro TBD

Current Education

University of Kent
Class of 2021

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