Casey Katzeff
Casey Katzeff

Casey Katzeff

  South Africa

I would love to both be a freelance concept artist and graphic designer, and work towards establishing an independent art studio.

Since I was a child, I have been creative. While I was initially interested in going into science fields, which has given me a thorough foundation for my design work in both graphic design and concept art, I realised in my senior year of high school that it was a field that I was interested in participating in professionally.

Learning: Friends of Design - Academy of Digital Arts

Skills: Abobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Blender

Expertise: Concept Art & Illustration Graphic Design Web Design & Development

  • Leveled up to Debut Jan 01, 2017
  • Leveled up to Player Jan 01, 2020
  • Leveled up to Contender Mar 15, 2022
  • Leveled up to Rookie TBD
  • Pro TBD


Part-time Lecturer
Cape Town, SA | Feb 2023 -

I teach virtual and in-person evening classes to 5-30 people to provide software training and lessons in art and graphic design theory.

Assistant Lecturer (UX & UI Design, Graphic Design, Concept Art)
Cape Town, SA | Jan 2022 -

Includes assisting various art students with their work, alongside completing admin duties. (Current)

Freelance Graphic Designer and Illustrator
International | Mar 2020 -

Includes the design and illustration of various client visions. (Current)

Current Education

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