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Oscar Holden

Oscar Holden

  United Kingdom

I would want to be either a modeller, concept artist or a VFX artists using hiding for explosions etc (physics sims)

Recently I have discovered that I may want to work in the VFX industry. I have only be using blender at home for just over a year and am now feeling a bit more confident with my work and have been thinking about next steps in VFX industry, however I am only 16 so the next steps are a while away and may not even occur. In other words I am interested but not settles in working for VFX studios.

Learning: Self Taught

Skills: Adobe Photoshop Blender 3.0 Blender Cycles BlenderKit

Expertise: Other Product Visualisation Visual Effects

  • Leveled up to Debut N/A
  • Leveled up to Player Mar 18, 2022
  • Leveled up to Contender TBD
  • Leveled up to Rookie TBD
  • Pro TBD

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