Isabella Beale

Isabella Beale

  New Zealand

I would love to work with a big-name studio such as PIXAR/Disney in the future.

I realized in Highschool, I had a massive passion for acting, film, and drawing. The possibilities and never-ending ideas of the field excited me so I followed my dreams in this field.

Learning: Media Design School

Skills: 3d Substance Designer 3d Substance Painter Abode Photoshop Adobe Photoshop Arnold for Maya Autodesk Maya

Expertise: 2D Animation 3D Animation Concept Art & Illustration Graphic Design

  • Leveled up to Debut N/A
  • Leveled up to Player May 03, 2021
  • Leveled up to Contender TBD
  • Leveled up to Rookie TBD
  • Pro TBD

Current Education

Media Design School
Class of 2022

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