Uday Ujjual
Uday Ujjual

Uday Ujjual


To become a talented artist and to Create something which is memorable and will help and motivate the future to step into my world

I Have always been an artist from heart . Seeing all the amazing creations from the legend from the industry made me highly motivated in pursuing my dream

Learning: Self Taught

Skills: Adobe Lightroom Adobe Photoshop Blender Blender 2.9 Twinmotion UniEngine Unreal Engine 5 UNREAL ENGINE 5.1

Expertise: Architectural Visualisation

Portfolio of the Week

  • Leveled up to Debut Dec 14, 2022
  • Leveled up to Player Feb 18, 2023
  • Leveled up to Contender TBD
  • Leveled up to Rookie TBD
  • Pro TBD

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