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E-artsup is a leading French institute dedicated to digital creativity. It's a gateway to a plethora of career opportunities in digital arts, particularly in motion design, animation and video game design. Its curriculum is broad, innovative, and immersive, with a focus on developing both technical skills and artistic vision. E-artsup boasts state-of-the-art facilities and expert instructors who bring real-world experience to the classroom. The institute encourages a dynamic learning environment that fosters collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking, thus preparing students to become key players in the animation and video gaming industry. It also maintains a strong connection with industry professionals, enabling students to engage in exciting internships and projects. For those who adore the magic of animated cinema or the interactive world of video games, e-artsup is the place to turn your passion into a thriving career.

Countries: France

Location: Campus

Industries: 2D Animation 3D Animation Visual Effects Game Design & Development Concept Art & Illustration Motion Graphics Graphic Design Web Design & Development

Software: Adobe After Effects Autodesk Maya Unity

Programs: Bachelor Masters


Emma Dubost
Adrien Louineau
Kilian Mollaret
Marius Thiebault


E-artsup is an esteemed French institution renowned for its comprehensive programs in Animation Cinema, Video Game Design, Art Direction, concept Art & motion design. These programs have been carefully constructed to provide students with a dynamic mix of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

In the Animation Cinema program, students explore the principles of 2D and 3D animation, learning the art of storytelling through moving images. The Video Game Design program focuses on game art & development, from conceptualization to coding and design, giving students an insight into the complex world of game creation. The Art Direction and motion design program focuses on visual communication, fostering students’ creativity and strategic thinking in crafting effective, aesthetically pleasing designs.

E-artsup operates from multiple campuses across France (10), including Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Nantes, Montpellier, and Toulouse. These campuses offer cutting-edge facilities and a vibrant, collaborative environment where students are encouraged to innovate and express their artistic visions.

The tuition fees vary depending on the program and campus chosen (6900 to 8000 €). It’s best to refer to the official e-artsup website or reach out to their admissions office for the most current and detailed information on fees.

In summary, e-artsup is an exceptional choice for aspiring digital artists, combining top-notch education with practical experience, to prepare students for a successful career in the rapidly evolving digital art industry.

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Global School Rankings 2023

Awarded to Schools that ranked highly in the Rookies Global School Rankings 2023.

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Choosing an art school is a big decision so make sure to take some time and do your research. Follow the links below to learn more about the school, talk directly with administrations teams, or even chat with students right now.