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Josie's Grand Delivery!

Josie's Grand Delivery!

Flying Ori
by flyingori on 29 Oct 2019

This is inspired by my some truly silly stories I would make up as a child, I remember this one was a mixture of story and a silly dream I had as a 5 year old. This one features an OC I made, Josie, who is transporting her friends to "Bluck-Island"

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Josie's Grand Delivery

This is inspired by my some truly silly stories I would make up as a child, I remember this one was a mixture of story and a silly dream I had as a 5 year old.

This one features an OC I made, Josie, who is transporting her friends to "Bluck-Island", the headquarters for top-notch children's blocks - made by block-making ducks, of course!

😁 Ok, I shall excuse myself and my over-active imagination now 😅

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