La Nuit européenne des musées

La Nuit européenne des musées

Anaïs Segonds
by anaissegonds on 6 May 2024

Design of an animated poster for European Museum Night

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Round of applause for our sponsors

As part of my studies, I was asked to design an animated poster for the European Night of Museums, an event organized throughout Europe by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. Over 3,000 museums are open free of charge until midnight. This event attracts a large public.

I chose my artistic references based on their relationship with the duality of light and darkness, and their ability to arouse interest through textures and superimpositions. In particular, I found that Pierre Soulages correlates with it. I've also opted for digital installations and op art, which I find particularly captivating in their dynamism and grid construction.

I created a collage from these famous works, which I transformed to evoke the masterpieces best known to the general public.

I gradually accentuated the abstract aspect of my collage by using the liquefaction technique on the iconography. This transformation of iconographic representation towards abstraction adds a new dimension to my experiments, while prompting reflection on the diversity of artistic expression and the fluidity between different art forms.

After exploring various options, I decided to focus exclusively on blue and black-and-white visuals to reinforce the evocation of night.

I worked on a square grid to achieve a balanced composition and added black areas to improve the legibility of the text. Within the boxes, I inserted my visuals at different scales, to create movement, different curves and optical variety. This grid also enabled me to separate the important information and sponsors of this event.

Helvetica typography was chosen for its legibility, and the color palette was based on night, light and contrast.

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