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Adaptive AI (Development Ongoing)

Adaptive AI (Development Ongoing)

by JamesMGames on 29 Apr 2024

A demonstration of AI characters adapting to the player.

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My final university project, developed over the course of the entire third year. We were tasked with researching a chosen subject and developing a prototype to showcase our understanding of this topic. I chose to research methods in which games may adapt to individual players' decisions, with a focus on the decision making of enemy AI characters. This resulting prototype, a basic first-person shooter using Unreal Engine 5's first person template, includes enemy characters that shoot at or chase the player, based on their proximity.

The enemy AI is designed to match the level of aggression (high, low or neutral) displayed by the player, which is calculated based on their number of kills and offset by the amount of time they have spent in the level. This will affect their attack patterns, as well as whether they will seek to hide behind cover, and how they select a cover point if so. This logic is illustrated in more detail below.

Enemy character models and animations used were downloaded from Mixamo

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