Dynamic Gameplay System Development

Dynamic Gameplay System Development

Qashrina Laetitia Putri Collier
by Qashie on 1 Apr 2024

I detailed three key systems along with my turn-based game implementation: NPC Interaction, dynamic particle effects and dynamic user interfaces.

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I explored why and how dynamic gameplay systems are important to the development of games. This was explored in a turn-based RPG prototype. Dynamic User interfaces are important because they enable inclusivity and encourage user engagement. The player wants to see what happens when they press different buttons and therefore, what else they can do in the world generally. Particles enhance gameplay experience via world-building and storytelling. Furthermore, interactivity of particles makes the user want to find out how else they change through colour, shape, or movement. NPCs help provide context to the environment. They can guide users through quests indicating the next location/task. These key findings were completed through sourcing relevant assets, projects, and documentation to experiment and assess the viability of my concept such as Unreal 5’s blueprints or widgets. In conclusion, a majority of Unreal 5’s tools such as blueprints and widgets helped me present the systems as important however, if there were no issues with time constraints, I would have used other resources like GPT-4 for more realistic AI.

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