Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Reverie - Perfume Packshot

Reverie - Perfume Packshot

Fabienne Scherer
by fabiennescherer on 14 Mar 2024

A product visualization of a perfume I designed. All aspects by me.

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The goal of this project was to create a design for an imaginary product and visualize it in the best way possible. I created a perfume packaging inspired by Chanel No. 5. I wanted the atmosphere of the shot to be dreamy and elegant to fit the name "Reverie". Of course the visualization should also highlight the that the product is of high quality.

I modeled the perfume bottle in 3DS Max, and textured it in Substance Painter. The cloth in the background was simulated using Marvelous Designer. For the lighting of the shot, it was very important to make the perfume bottle stand out but also keep the reflections under control. Along several regular VRayLights, I also used VRaySoftboxes to fine tune the lighting.

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