Inner Cores

Inner Cores

Joel Maston-Shea
by ROC on 1 Feb 2024

A project containing visual representation of core mental things that affect me in my work life.

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The illustrations displayed in this project portray visual representations of mental damage I have acquired over the years. These illustrations take the form of spherical cores with a retina. I see the retina as my specific focal point of creativity, which I channel these mental damages through to create such illustrations.

Core of Consternation

The personal significance of this representation first manifested itself back in 2016, at the start of my college years. I started to experience a version of pins and needles throughout my back and the back of my head with inconsistent areas of effect and levels of pain. The severity of these effects were unpredictable, and I still experience them to this day when exposed to varying levels of socially uncomfortable atmospheres.   

Core of Futility

This illustration provides a visual representation of a guilty truth to my natural mindset when it comes to work. A general description is that it signifies my imposter syndrome, with awful feelings of worthlessness natural keeping my brain pulled into this mindset. However it goes deeper than that because experiencing these feelings have been what gets me through my tasks and challenges. It has been my golden secret weapon of perseverance, and in turn, has become my guilty secret of preservation.

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