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Sandra Bertelsen
by sandrabee on 20 Dec 2023

A game character I created for i Inherited a Castle, a game production of Jellyaxelagon Studio on my 5th semester. I was responsible for sculpting, retopologizing, UV unwrapping, texturing and grooming!

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Round of applause for our sponsors

This semester I attended the DADIU programme (The National Academy of Digital, Interactive Entertainment) as the 3D Lead, working with some amazing people on our game: I Inherited a Castle. 🏰✨
Psst... you can play it here!:

I had the pleasure of creating our player character - a challenging yet incredibly rewarding experience! It has been super fulfilling and inspiring to see the teams' visions come to life during this project.
Here is the player character in all his glory! His name is Hjalte.

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