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Dave's First Day

Dave's First Day

Judisak Meng
by judisakmeng on 9 Dec 2023

This is a WIP post for the project so keep an eye out for the official release post of Dave’s First Day in the future.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

During the initial idea pitch for our short animated film project at the UTS Animal Logic Academy, 'Dave's First Day' didn't get chosen despite being very close to our hearts. However, the other animators and I were deeply passionate about this project, so we decided to pursue it as our self-directed learning project. I was assigned as the project lead and began recruiting other classmates, and slowly, the project evolved from a mere idea into an animated short.

My Role: Project Lead, Animator, Rigging, Assembly, Blender TD


Today is Dave’s first day at ADEC the Asteroid Detection and Extermination Center. ADEC’s one mission is to keep the Earth Meteorite free but will Dave be able to do that? After all, there is a conveniently placed red button in the center of the room that's just asking to be pressed. It's now up to Norbet the residential grump who's been working there for decades to teach Dave the ropes and ensure Earth and dinosaur kind are safe.

These are all of my shots put together in the short.

Some other Shots that showcase Dave's character in the short. Animated by:
Morgan Wallish
Tri Duc Nguyen

Here's a sneak peek at the final look of the short.

Lighting: Matt Castley, Ruben Luzaic
Compositing: Allyson Valencia, Nathan Le, Nina GaoRuben Luzaic
Grease Pencil: Benjamin Poate, Nina Gao

Finally, I want to give a special thanks to all the team members who made this project possible. Please look out for the final Dave's First Day post once the short film is released with all the bits and details of what goes into the development of this project.

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