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campaign design 2022 - part 5 - All Wound Up!

campaign design 2022 - part 5 - All Wound Up!

Tanaya Toli
by stardecahedron on 21 Nov 2023

part 5 of my original campaign pitch for a 2D platformer, All Wound Up!

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campaign design 2022 - part 5 - All Wound Up!

This post details of the two environments, a keyframe, and overview of my original campaign design project from 2022, All Wound Up!

All Wound Up! is my campaign pitch for a 2D platformer game, about a little wooden wind up doll called Amanita with a broken mechanical heart that needs repairs. Amanita has journeyed on a quest away from home to find someone who can fix their heart, with their older sister Lilium in tow, who has a broken upper torso. Amanita loves to dance, but slows down after a while due to their broken heart being connected to their wind up key. They have to wind themself up at tiny little wind up keys scattered around the toy world, hence why it's called All Wound Up. Along their journey, the siblings will meet the inventive and quirky Griffith the Griffin doll, and Ripper the Dragon plush, and it seems they might be broken enough to be a part of this broken family.


Frog Trap Pond - The Frog Pond is a stealthy part of the platforming, as you have to be slow and steady in reaching the middle of the bridge to follow the mote of light, and cross the rest of the bridge, without falling into the frog infested waters below.

The Marion Doll House - Amanita's doll house is one of the story environments in the game, and at first serves as a sense of familiarity to Amanita, and soon a place they have to leave behind. It's meant to have everything in one room on one floor much like a lot of real dollhouses, and to show how simple yet a bit lonely Amanita's life is.

Battle with a Frightened Foe - This is a mockup of a cutscene in which Amanita encounters one of the last mini bosses of the chapter, and their first encounter with the carry -on bee. It is an encounter in which the player must make a choice, help the bee escape and try to get the mote of light back peacefully, or take it by force and face the bee in battle.

This is part 5 of the campaign, which includes the following:

The environments, keyframe, and all of their thumbnails and processes.

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