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campaign design 2022 - part 4 - All Wound Up!

campaign design 2022 - part 4 - All Wound Up!

Tanaya Toli
by stardecahedron on 21 Nov 2023

part 4 of my original campaign pitch for a 2D platformer, All Wound Up!

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campaign design 2022 - part 4 - All Wound Up!

This post details all of the assets and overview of my original campaign design project from 2022, All Wound Up!

All Wound Up! is my campaign pitch for a 2D platformer game, about a little wooden wind up doll called Amanita with a broken mechanical heart that needs repairs. Amanita has journeyed on a quest away from home to find someone who can fix their heart, with their older sister Lilium in tow, who has a broken upper torso. Amanita loves to dance, but slows down after a while due to their broken heart being connected to their wind up key. They have to wind themself up at tiny little wind up keys scattered around the toy world, hence why it's called All Wound Up. Along their journey, the siblings will meet the inventive and quirky Griffith the Griffin doll, and Ripper the Dragon plush, and it seems they might be broken enough to be a part of this broken family.


Amanita's Heart - broken in strange places, but it still ticks constantly. has many intricate gears, bars and screws, with pretty, and sturdy metal plating. its wind up music box sings and contains our little doll's life force.

sun n moon lantern - a giant magical lantern that hangs from the sky, it's wire almost disappears into the clouds. as the day/night cycle progresses, the lantern lights up the entire dollhouse world

wind up key - scattered all over the valleys, these keys were made for winding up tired wind up toys. they count as save points and stamina recovery for our protagonist.

night vision goggles - one of griffith's inventions, it is a leather strapped shiny pair of goggles powered by ghost sheet glow dust, allowing blind or visionless toys to see in the dark. she even ingrained her name on it!

scrap parts - various scraps that the player collects to help repair the heart and your companions. includes common parts like screws and bars, uncommon parts like gears, and rare parts like cords and metal plates.

stuffing dandelions - cotton balls surrounding little glowing lights on twisty wires, many stuffed toys and creatures use them to replace any stuffing they've lost or to stuff new parts or hearts.

LED-fly jar - some toys ask LED-flies to be their personal little lanterns, and sometimes you will find massive jars of the little guys, usually in camps or cottage dollhouses in darker places.

felt flowers - soft, flexible and pretty, but they are quite flexible and sturdy thanks the thin wire inside the stitched petals. they function as hiding places as they close up when a toy steps into them.

butterfly needle - incredibly rare, they are said to have been made by now gone human crafters. they can actually help restore a toy or creature's life force. they can be found in emergencies if you know where to look.

drillbit spear - twirly, very heavy and slow, this drillbit was previously wielded by a large plastic robotic action warrior. nobody knows how it ended up in the valleys, but even with all the rust, it's a sturdy, reliable weapon.

dual shears - slick, light and swift, these shears previously belonged to a ragdoll knight. nobody knows how it ended up in the valleys, but it still has a unique magical lustre, and is a sharp and deadly weapon.

This is part 4 of the campaign, which includes the following:

The assets, and all of their thumbnails and processes.

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