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EtherSplash Gaming Studio_Environment

EtherSplash Gaming Studio_Environment

by jmgamesart1 on 9 Nov 2023

Created this project during the lockdown period with the help of using Thiago Knafke environment creation tutorial then tweaked it into my style of environment. Used a Lut for the initial lighting of the scene so the color hues are all consistent. A demo link of the environment is available below.

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Created this project within 3 months during the lockdown period with the help of Thiago Knafke tutorial on how to make an office then twisted it slightly to my own approach, the areas that I found the most enjoyable were creating the hologram logo which was quite easy to understand with the help of using a tutorial that I found on Youtube. Another fun area was making the foliage by creating them in 3DS Max then exporting them into normal, diffuse, and roughness maps then using them as a base for a plane to create my foliage for the project in Unreal. Furthermore, I added wind intensity for the foliage on the outdoor area but not for the inside since it makes logical sense that wind normally generates on the outside but rarely on the inside of a building.

Moreover, I added decals such as stains and rust to give my Gaming Office Project a more derelict atmosphere towards it and there are various lighting details in this small walkthrough environment which give off a different vibe on what areas you walk through such as downstairs is all dim and moody whereas upstairs is all bright and vibrant.


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