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Mathilda (Léon: The Professional) Dialogue Animation

Mathilda (Léon: The Professional) Dialogue Animation

Mai Lu
by lumai on 25 Oct 2023

An eleven-second 2D animation created with TVPaint. As a second-year university student, I made this brief animation for my first module at Escape Studios. The task was to animate a character lip sync.

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Lip Sync Animation

I used the audio from the film, Léon: The Professional (1994). The character in the movie is named Mathilda, she's a 12-year-old girl played by Natalie Portman. Mathilda lives with a dysfunctional family in an apartment next door to an Italian hitman, Léon.

Character Concept

I referenced many of my childhood cartoons, such as 'Pucca' and 'The Powerpuff Girls,' to create the final character. The design includes her hair in two buns that bounce around as she turns and tilts her head. This characteristic provides playfulness; implying her naivety and juvenility.


For the storyboard, I drew six keyframes, which were further developed in the animatic. I referred back to the character concept of facial expressions and instructed where the timings of each emotion were shown. Dialogue is included for a timing indication.


I wanted the colours to compliment the feel and music, I liked the idea of muted, earthy tones. The character is wearing a red, which matches the scene yet contrasts her surroundings since it's more vibrant than the background; making her the vocal point.

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