Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!


Lucía Remartínez de Miguel
by luciareguel on 18 Oct 2023

Enviroment design where an old God of Death is praised by some mysterious individual.

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This is my new background design, Creepy Attic. The entirety of this project was made in Adobe Photoshop.

Here is the creative process and final result:

First, I started doing some brainstorming of the room design, distribution, trying new camera views and finding references for the objects and atmosphere. I wanted to do something sinister, like a secret privite cult room, so I looked for some references with that in mind.

After that, I beagan with the thumbnail state. Depending on the camera locations decided on the last step, I created this thumbnails depending on the objects loction and distribution.

Then, after deciding what point of view was best, I started doing the lineart and layout of the choosen thumbnail. I used an inking brush for the lineart. 

Following, it was time to add some flat colours. As this would be an old a attic, I decided on a dark brownish/redish colours for the base and using some accent colours in the potion bottle, jar and blankets.

Then is time for adding the shadows! Thanks to the layout, this state was simplier.

After that, it was time to add the lights coming through the windows and from the candles. As it was setted in a night set, the lights area soft blue instead of the usual yellow/orange.

Finally, to add a creepier tone to the room, comes the rendering step. I added a blue filter to the backgroung so it looks like it's dark and a green layer to the back so it gives a more sinister look. Also, as it's an old set, I add some dust in the air so it's more realistic.

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