Endless Corridor

Endless Corridor

Anne Truong
by Annettuong on 10 Oct 2023

Our first assignment for the semester creating a trash game using existing models, textures, sounds etc. to create a single game experience. The task was generally to get to know the Unity Engine, learn C# and understand what it means to use other people's models and how things break!

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A Game of Trash

For the first assignment of this semester, we were tasked with creating a 'Trash Game' - a game made entirely of other's models, textures, codes and make it work to create a single experience. This was going to be my first proper solo development in Unity and first time coding with C#. Luckily, I'm a stickler for learning challenges and I went into a big deep dive into Unity's post processing, coding  language, audio, particle effects, animations etc.

Check the game out here!


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