Kevin, the small dragon

Kevin, the small dragon

Kristel Rindlisbacher Guzman
by kristelrindlisbacherguzman on 9 Oct 2023

I have created this project to get closer to the anatomy and texture of cartoony figures.

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This little dinosaur is part of Kevin Keele's concept art. It is a project that has allowed me to get closer to catoony figures. This is the first time I use unreal to render my figures. Unreal is without a doubt a powerful work tool.

The turntable has been made in zbrush. Once you are in zbrush, import the textures made in this case in mari and under the pop up menu create the video.

This time I have decided to go two ways to create the UV's. After working on a consistent mesh, I switch to Maya to create the UV's. However, I have seen very interesting testing in zbrush for creating UV's. With a little more practice I think you can obtain interesting results. For now I prefer to work in Maya to create this step.

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