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Jorogumo Sculpt

Jorogumo Sculpt

Giulia Filipputti
by gfilipputti on 6 Oct 2023

Original concept based on japanese mythology developed from the character design stage to the final clay render.

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Hi everybody! I am glad to show you my first project made during the CG Masterclass by Skyup Academy. This original concept takes inspiration from the japanese half spider, half woman demon (Jorogumo).

I began by gathering some reference images of all the elements I wanted to include in my design, as I wanted it to have a more horror/realistic kind of style rather than a more stylized one.

After I developed a clearer idea about my creature, I sketched it with pencil on paper trying to focus both on front and side views, to get the feeling of the general proportions, and a very rough draft of a pose it could have.

Instead of going straight from 2D character design to digital sculpting, I created a monster clay maquette to understand of my design would work in three dimensions, and what could be improved.

This is the final result on ZBrush. As you can see, I did some changes to the design from the previous face, e.g. I added a pair of arms, added chameleon legs to the pagoda and reduced the first part of the spider body in size: as I worked digitally, I could get a better understanding of how efficient my primary volumes were and how loyal the design to my reference images was, and I had the chance to adjust these things accordingly.

Once I imported my finished sculpt on Maya, I set a scene to highligh the most interesting parts of it and focused a bit more on the details. Here there are my final renders, I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed working on this personal project!

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