The Sister of Light

The Sister of Light

Alessandro Improta
by AlessandroImprota on 5 Oct 2023

This is the first of three Environments based on three different swords modeled by me. In this artwork, I made an environment that was built around the sword model made by me. The environment was created using only megascan mesh, while the sword model on Maya, the texturing on Substance. To give a personal touch I add

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                                                                                  The Sister of Light

Once upon a time, in a distant world, there were three powerful goddesses called Sisters of Creation. Each was responsible for a fundamental part of the universe: the Sister of Light, the Sister of Shadow and the Sister of Soul. These goddesses lived in harmony, working together to maintain the balance between light and darkness, good and evil, life and death.

The Sister Swords were hidden in a secret place, and only those who were truly worthy could hope to awaken them. Years passed, and the legend of the three swords was lost in time.

However, one day, a terrible war broke out among the gods, threatening to destroy the world. The Sisters of Creation did all they could to stop the conflict, but in the end, they were forced to sacrifice themselves to seal the power of their discordant siblings in three magical swords, which became known as the Sister Swords.

One day, however, the world was shaken by an unexpected event. A devastating war broke out between two powerful empires, and chaos quickly spread across the earth. As the suffering increased, the tears of the goddesses began to fall, thus awakening the now dormant swords.

This is the first of three Environments based on three different swords modeled by me.

In this artwork, I made an environment that was built around the sword model made by me. The environment was created using only megascan mesh, while the sword model on Maya, the texturing on Substance. To give a personal touch I added material to the sphere via substrate, animation and FX via niagara.

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