The Cabin of Myths

The Cabin of Myths

Rae Townsend
by raetwnsnd on 3 Oct 2023

Structure design project created during concept art studies last year

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The Cabin of Myths

The last standing dwelling of Farrenfeld - a historic location since the town was burned down and raided, and it was believed not a soul was left alive. But in the centre of this graveyard town, there is a cabin that has lamps always burning. It is the subject of many a local legend. Some say the creature that lives there rips out human souls, and that the cabin changes shape every night. The rather contrasting reality is that its inhabitant is a very sweet old woman, Alta Melora, who lives alone and enjoys scaring the locals when she gets bored. She enjoys her life there.

- part of a personal project last year, White Raven

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