Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
1993 Camp Barbie Sun Cruiser

1993 Camp Barbie Sun Cruiser

Jasmijn Decuyper
by jasmijn on 15 Aug 2023

With all the Barbie hype going on the past few weeks I figured it would be fun to make my favourite Barbie toy from when I was little. It was the 1993 Camp Barbie Sun Cruiser. It had stickers that changed colour when hit by sunlight, I remember thinking it was magic. I gave myself one week for this project.

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Once the jeep was finished I decided to add Barbie as another one week project. This was the first time making a character likeness and it was quite a challenge. One feature that looks off makes the whole face look off, so many reiterations were made. I had also never worked with hair before, which was a fun thing to learn. Despite it being far from perfect I really like how Barbie turned out. Recognizable was the goal and I think I've achieved that.

This is the main reference I used for the look and feel of the presented image. It was the image on the box of the toy.

To practise my texturing skills I also made a worn/played with version of the car.

This was my first time trying hard-surface sculpting. I'm happy with the result and enjoyed the process. I'm definitely growing more confident in my sculpting skills and will be doing more of it in the future!

The car has 16k tris and the doll 6k tris (full doll + clothes). I tried to find a good balance between limiting the poly count but also being able to take mid-close up shots. 

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