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all aspects - Digital Double

all aspects - Digital Double

Lourenço Soares
by ensolour on 28 Jun 2023

My own digital double, all aspects, done in 16 weeks. I'm happy to share with you the results of it and a few breakdowns of the process!

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The Digital Double was the hardest and longest project I did in school, on my 3rd year. I worked for 16 weeks, both in class and at home, in order to achieve the most realistic result possible, using the texturing in XYZ. 

I did all the aspects of this project and it made me learn a lot about how the human face works and to practice a lot of groom. The face modeling was started by photoscan, using Agisoft. After having the base mesh, I sculpted and modeled it to make it look like me, principally my eyes, nose, lips and ears.

During the whole production, I had always feedback and tips from my teacher Baptiste Lebouc.

For this project, I used Autodesk Maya, Pixar Renderman, Mudbox, Mari, Photoshop, XGen and NukeX. 


Some artistic lighting renders.

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