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Game: Nonogram Invasion

Game: Nonogram Invasion

by MichaelTsyatsko on 22 Jun 2023

Nonogram Invasion : Of Wizards And Aliens is a nonogram adventure game published late June 2023 that took a semester to create.

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Project Statement


Nonogram Invasion : Of Wizards And Aliens, is a nonogram game specifically designed to teach new players how to solve nonogram puzzles. The goal was to make an interesting and forgiving game that would encourage repetition to optimize learning. In the game this was achieved by short and simple gameplay, lack of maximum player strikes/mistakes, and  alternative endings which encourage the player to replay and learn.

Preparation & Workflow:

First a brief was composed outlining the key features, math, and visual styles to be used. The brief also contained concept art which led into the final sprites for the game, and overall provided clear structure that the final game consistently kept to.
Changes over the course of development were made to art such as alternative, more minimalistic layout that allowed the player to simply use the mouse to play the whole game. Previously planned "level select" room was swapped out for a better suited progress tracker option in game that allows the player to see their real time progress.

Project Feedback:

Players that played through Nonogram Invasion reported "the game reignited passion for nonograms" and "actually good for learning" and that playing the game again to get a different ending allowed them to try out methods they familiarized in the late game previously.


The game was a success for it's purpose.
Find more about the story and art of the game (and the game itself) on

Bellow are parts of code I created throughout the game in order to solve uncommon UI and UX  issues with pause and scrolling, level progression.

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