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Irelia's Bladesurge: Ease of Use and Consistency adjustments

Irelia's Bladesurge: Ease of Use and Consistency adjustments

Gianluca Lorenzo Genovese
by JynxVer on 9 Jun 2023

Adjusted Irelia's bladesurge to increase ease of use and decrease frustration related to randomness and unreliability, whilst keeping it power-neutral and discussing possible issues.

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Small scope project aimed at adjusting Irelia's main ability: Bladesurge

Note: Adjusted Tooltip available in both English (Top) and Italian (Bottom)

Currently Irelia's Bladesurge suffers from inconsistency and a clear indicator of when it can be safely used, whilst it can be argued knowing precisely Q Reset Breakpoints is part of an Irelia player skill set, i'd argue it is far more important for the ability to be consistent and have ease of use.

As such the Adjustment aims to give Bladesurge some much needed ease of use and consistency, on the lines of Yasuo's Sweeping Blade.

This is done by making the ability execute Minions below a certain HP Threshold (Which is identical to the Live Bonus Damage the ability has), and giving it a clear indicator for when the execute is available.

This should make the ability substantially more accessible, consistent and less frustrating, due to completely eliminating the issue of having Minions survive with 1 Health, without any clear and quick way of knowing beforehand, which should result in the overall champion feeling better to play.

A possible issue arising from this is taken into account, and discussed below.

Execute Indicator Designs

Note: Image just for reference.

A clear Brightly colored indicator that is always present, would be the best fit.

The indicator would not only provide information about IF Bladesurge can be safely reset on the target Minion, but having that constant indicator on ALL minions, would give higher Skilled Irelia players room to play around by knowing how much Minions around them need to be hit to Reset the Ability, ON THE FLY, at a simple Glance, helping them come up with Plans as they fight.

This would have nothing but positive impact on Irelia. Both making her easier to Pick up, by lowering the bar of entry somewhat, but also increasing her ceiling for those dedicated players. 

Note: Image just for reference

Similar to the first one, but keeping in theme with League's current "Execute Indicator" Style.

Not as much of a Fit, as the indicator looks significantly less clear than the first example, and generally not as good as it does on Big Health Bars due to the reduced size.

Note: Image just for reference

The version simply swaps the entire color of the Minion Health bar when they get in execute range.

This is still a very clear indicator that can be seen at a glance, but it lacks the "surrounding information" about other minions provided by the other two examples, as the indicator would only appear when the Minions are already in Kill Range.

As such this isn't in my opinion as good as the ones above.

Possible Issue:

Currently, Irelia's Q synergizes well with Lifesteal because the bonus Damage to Minions is calculated as Damage to which Lifesteal is applied. 

This change would remove that interaction, as Execute damage doesn't count towards Lifesteal, thus removing a significant portion of Irelia's sustain and significantly lowering the power of her 1st Spike (Vamp Sceptre).

This is discussed as an issue, because that specific interaction and Spike is quite liked by Irelia players, but it can open up some interesting Buff routes for the Champion, like Buffing the Q healing Itself, for example. Thus also opening up some more Build routes for Irelia, since she'd be less dependant on Early Lifesteal from Items to survive in Lane.

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