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Jabaar Mudihr "The Guardian of Sand Towers"

Jabaar Mudihr "The Guardian of Sand Towers"

Syed Ali Raza Bokhari
by SyedAli3dArt on 18 May 2023

This project was created as inspiration piece from the concept of Johnny Rampant & Lukas Kutschera. It is my rendition of the character as everything was done by me for this project.

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This project was done as an inspiration art piece from the concept of Johnny Rampant & Lukas Kutschera. This is a realistic version of the character I named "Jabaar Mudihr "(The Guardian of Sand Towers). The model was sculpted in Zbrush with skin hand painted in substance painter and all the accessories were modelled using MAYA and Zbrush. 

The above process view shows the base mesh wireframe first, then a clay render of that base mesh, then the base with displacement and normal maps applied. At the end the final textured render.

During this project I learned how to hand paint realistic skin textures in substance painter, which was quite challenging as it was my first time. I mostly learned through trial and error that mold brush, dots erased brush and cotton brush work best to create believable skin. I also learned to setup skin shader in MAYA and work with subsurface scattering through scattering maps generated using substance painter 

The above images show the UV's for all the head and body pieces. Since this art work had alot of leather in it so I had to nail down the material and color palette that looked good with the skin tone I had. So I learned and experimented on different leather material colors and settled with this look, as I wanted something aged not worn out completely. 

This was my first project of this scale, I learned so much and look forward to keep pushing myself in every way I can. I would like to thank @Mario ( for the help with layout and all the folks at CG Spectrum for the continuous support.

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