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A Path To Redemption - Gameplay and mechanics

A Path To Redemption - Gameplay and mechanics

Israel Rodríguez Rodríguez
by Israel on 18 May 2023

This is part of my artistic and technical contribution to the 2D game project made in 2 weeks that I did with Iara Gonzalez Priaron. I love the design of Nili, the doll.

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Link to the whole project, click here

this is the concept for the cave part in the game

And these are the enemies of the game

Crystal cave crab design:

The crystal cave crab has its inspiration of the hermit crabs and the geodes, I used purple tones to make it fit in the cave environment.

The crab has multiple mechanics:

It has two modes, guard and attack.

During guard the crab does an animation where it is moving side to side, but if the player enters the area in front of it, then it switches to attack mode and periodically does an animation where it extends the pincer and closes it to do damage, if the player attacks while the crab is attacking, it recieves double damage as a parry.

Nili and flora design:

Nili and Flora are thought to be part of the same enemy. Nili is a lost cursed doll that eats people when they enter the cave, its design was inspired by the main character from Little big planet, fused with the environment of The binding of Isaac. Flora represents the souls of its victims, that Nili uses as weapons to repeat the cycle.

NIli and Flora mechanics:

Nili, as the crab, has two modes, in the guard mode it does a animation where it is waving to the camera and when the player enters the area in front of it, Nili changes its animation to start opening its mouth and releases Flora who will attack the player, it can be countered by jumping above it or by attacking Nili or Flora.

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