Tales of Adventure and Comradery

Tales of Adventure and Comradery

Padrick Bell
by padrickbell on 25 May 2019

My journeys through the many universes of the gaming worlds immortalized in illustration.

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This piece was a commission for DnD player who wanted to immortalize his character after a successful campaign, there are many nods and references to his experiences.

A commission I made for an avid Pokemon fan, the different "eveelutions" are all aspects of his family he sees represented in these Pokemon.

This was a personal piece based around a character from the League of Legends IP, I really enjoy playing this character, and I felt that his lore and visuals were so epic and inspiring.

This is a personal piece I made to document my character's completion of Fallout New Vegas the Bethesda Fallout IP, as I am so fond of telling stories I often take the opportunity to do so in whatever I'm doing at the time. 

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