Quest System
  Play by Play

Quest System

Adrian Araque Romero
by adrarom on 15 Jan 2023

Quest system I've made for a project in progress where I learned how to use Inheritance and introducting myself into game patterns such as Singleton pattern

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Update - 15 Jan 2023

Quest System

Hey! I'm currently involved in a 3 months project along with other classmates where I took the role of Unity developer, I'm taking this chance to improving my base of coding and learning new things.

One of the things that I've developed is a linear Quest system for an RPG game. This system is divided by a Quest Controller a main Object "Quest" and it's inheritances such as Quest_TypeKill or Quest_TypeTalk, where I made each of them as general as they can be.

Here it's the main object Quest  and i'ts siblings:

In order to control how the line of quests is going , i've made a Quest Controller where I take an array of Quests and take the position i of the array and pass the data of the quest into the UI and has functions of Updating the data of the quest or going to the next Quest

In order to check when the enemies are killed, they have a quest checker when they are defeated , if the current quest is the typeKill one and it's the same enemy to defeat, it updates the quest.

When talking about the Quest of talking with an NPC , the character has a dialogue that detects the quest associated for this dialogue, if this one is the active quest, it will end it at the end of the dialogue.

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