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Enchanted Forest

Enchanted Forest

Richard Bielawski
by richardbielawski on 20 Nov 2022

Got inspired by Halloween. This was my first full project in Houdini, using Blender to texture and render everything and finalize everything in Nuke. I had never used Houdini and Nuke before a couple of months ago, so naturally there were a lot of struggles, errors and imperfections, but that's what we learn from! Hop

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Got inspired by Halloween.

This was my first full project in Houdini, using Blender to texture and render everything and finalize everything in Nuke. I had never used Houdini and Nuke before a couple of months ago, so naturally there were a lot of struggles, errors and imperfections, but that's what we learn from! Hopefully...

Hope you enjoy this little piece!

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